The Ptolemy Programming Guide

Why Contracts?

Understanding aspect-oriented (AO) programs that use pointcuts and dynamic advice, as found in the AspectJ programs, often seems difficult, due to two fundamental problems:

  • Join point shadows, i.e., places in the code where advice may apply, occur very frequently. For example, a join point shadow occurs at each method or constructor call, and each field read and write. And at each join point shadow, reasoning about the effect of the code at that place in the code must take into account the effects of all applicable advice.
  • The control effects of advice must be understood in order to reason about a program's control flow and how advice might interfere with the execution of other advice.

Density of Join Point Shadows

As an example of the first problem, consider the straight-line code below. In this listing, assuming that x and y are fields, there are at least 8 join point shadows, including the 5 method calls, the writes of x and y, and the read of x.

x = o1.m1(a.e1(), b.e2()); 
y = o2.m2(c.e3(), x); 

Knowing what advice applies where is amenable to tool support. An example is the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT). The idea of aspect-aware interfaces, is equivalent to such tool support since it shows what advice applies at each point of the code. However, the number of reasoning tasks grows with the number of join points and the amount of applicable advice.

One way of avoiding this problem of frequent occurrence of join point shadows, is to limit where advice may apply, for example, by using some form of explicit base-advice interface (AO interface), e.g. crosscutting interfaces (XPIs), open modules, etc. This is the approach we adopt in the Ptolemy language. As we have discussed previously, Ptolemy introduces the notion of event types and limits the join points to explicit event announcements.

To illustrate, consider the Ptolemy code in the listing below from our running example. In Ptolemy, events are explicitly announced, which mitigates the first problem, as reasoning about events only needs to happen at program points where events are explicitly announced such as lines 5-7 in the listing below.

public class Point implements FigureElement {
	int x;
	int y;
	public void setX(int x) {
		announce FEChanged(this) {
		 this.x = x;

Reasoning about Control Effects

As an example of the second problem, understanding control effects of the advice, consider the Logging handler in the listing below that advises the same set of events advised by DisplayUpdate handler in our previous description. To understand the control flow at these events matched by these handlers a developer must understand the control flow of both handlers. Furthermore, to understand the behavior at such events one must also understand the control flow of all other handlers that may advise the same events.

class Logging{ 
 . . .  
 FigureElement log(FEChanged rest){ 
 when FEChanged do log; 

The question then is whether we can use existing design by contract (DBC) methodologies to solve this problem. Most existing work on contracts relies on black box behavioral contracts. Such behavioral contracts specify, for each of the handler methods, the relationships between its inputs and outputs, and treat the implementation of the handler method as a black box, hiding all the method's internal states. To illustrate it we have added an example behavioral contract to the event type FEChanged in the listing below.

	 * This event is signaled when the state of a figure changes.
	public void event FEChanged {
		FigureElement changedFE;
		requires changedFE != null
		ensures changedFE == old(changedFE) 

As shown in the listing, event type FEChanged declares a black box contract on lines 7-8. Phrases "behavioral contract" and "black box contract" are used interchangeably throughout this document.

However, the black box contract on lines 7-8 does not specify the control effects of the handler. For example, with just the black box contract of the event type FEChanged given, one cannot determine whether a call such as p.setX(3) (where p is a Point) will proceed to execute the body of setX, and thus whether such a call will always set the current x coordinate of p to its argument (3). If the expression invoke in the handler method update is forgotten inadvertently, the execution of the body of method setX will be skipped. This is equivalent to missing the call to proceed in an advice in AspectJ. Such assertions are important for reasoning, which depends on understanding the effect of composing the handler modules with the base code. That is, the contract does not specify whether the handler must always proceed.

Even if programmers don't use formal techniques to reason about their programs, contracts for event types can serve as the programming guidelines for imposing design rules. But black box contracts for event types yield insufficiently specified design rules that leave too much room for interpretation, which may differ significantly from programmer to programmer. This may cause inadvertent inconsistencies in program designs and implementations, leading to hard to find errors.

Another problem with such black box contracts is that they do not help with effectively reasoning about the effects of aspects on each other. Consider another example concern, say Logging, which writes a log file at the events specified by FEChanged. For this concern different orders of composition with the DisplayUpdate concern discussed previously could lead to different results. Suppose invoke call in DisplayUpdate was omitted. In that case, if DisplayUpdate were to run first, followed by Logging, then the evaluation of Logging would be skipped. Conversely, Logging would work (i.e., it would write the log file) if the handlers were composed in the opposite order. A handler developer cannot, by just looking at the black box contract of the event type, reason about the composition of such handlers. Rather a developer must be aware of the control effects of the code in all composed handlers. Furthermore, if any of these handlers changes (i.e., if their control effects change), one must reason about every other handler that applies at the same events.

Translucid Contracts

We have added a novel notion of lightweight contracts that we call translucid contracts to solve these problems. Translucid contracts are added to an event type. A translucid contract for an event type can be thought of as an abstract algorithm describing the behavior of aspects that apply to that AO interface. The algorithm is abstract in the sense that it may suppress many actual implementation details, only specifying their effects using specification expressions. This allows the specifier to decide to hide some details, while revealing others. A piece of code satisfies an abstract algorithm specification if the code refines the specification, but we use a restricted form of refinement that requires structural similarity, to allow specification of control effects.

An Example Translucid Contract

We have added an example translucid contract to the event type FEChanged, on lines 3-8 in the listing below.

public void event FEChanged {
	FigureElement changedFE;
	requires changedFE != null
	assumes {
	 requires true ensures changedFE == old(changedFE) ;
	ensures changedFE != null 

Unlike a black box behavioral contract, internal states of the handler methods that run when the event FEChanged is announced are exposed in the translucid contract. In particular, any occurrence of the invoke expression (which is like AspectJ's proceed) in the handler method must be made explicit in the translucid contract, for example on line 5.

The special name next is a specification placeholder for the event closure passed to the handlers.

This in turn allows the developer of the class Point that announces the event FEChanged to understand the control effects of the handler methods by just inspecting the specification of FEChanged. For example, from line 5 one may conclude that, irrespective of the concrete handler methods, the body for the method setX in class Point will always be run. Such conclusions allow a client of the setX to make more expressive assertions about its control flow without considering every handler method that may potentially run when the event FEChanged is announced.

Requiring the invoke expression to be made explicit also benefits other handlers that may run when the event FEChanged is announced. For example, consider the logging concern discussed earlier. Since the contract of FEChanged describes the control flow effects of the handlers, reasoning about the composition of the handler method for logging and other handler methods becomes possible without knowing about all explicit handler methods that may run when the event FEChanged is announced. Here we explicitly focus on the use of translucid contracts for describing and reasoning about control flow effects.

Satisfying a Translucid Contract

To soundly reap these benefits, the translucid contract for the event type FEChanged must be refined by each conforming handler method. This is done automatically via a mixture of static type checking and runtime assertion checking by the Ptolemy compiler.

To illustrate, consider the class DisplayUpdate below.

public class DisplayUpdate {
 public DisplayUpdate() {

 when FEChanged do update;
 public void update(FEChanged rest) throws Throwable {
  refining requires true ensures changedFE==old(changedFE) {

Briefly the handler method update on lines 7-12 in this listing refines the contract of event type FEChanged on lines 4--7 because line 8 in handler method textually matches line 5 in event type (structural similarity) and lines 9-11 in the handler method claim to refine the specification expression on line 6. The claim is checked by the insertion of runtime assertion probes before line 9 and after line 11. The pre- and postconditions of the method update are considered the same as the pre- and postconditions of event type specification on lines 3 and 8, respectively and again are checked by runtime assertion checks.

If, for example, the invoke expression on line 8 goes missing inadvertenly, the handler does not refine the contract structurally and consequently the handler does not type check. Refining expressions could also violate their specification in the contract at runtime. Such violations are caught by the runtime assertions inserted by the compiler to assure refinement of the specification by the implementation and an exception is thrown when the program execution reaches the violated assertion.

Understanding Event Announcement (Subject's Side)

Translucid contracts enable modular reasoning about the subjects which announce events. Reasoning about event announcement is especially interesting because the number of event handlers responding to the event are not statically known. To reason about event announcement (announce statement), only the subject implementation and the translucid contract is required. Reasoning is carried out independent of the implementation, number and execution order of the handlers. To illustrate we merge the figures exepmlifying class Point and the event FEChanged from last sections, into the following figure.

public class Point implements FigureElement {
	int x;
	int y;
	public void setX(int x) {
		announce FEChanged(this) {
		 this.x = x;

public void event FEChanged {
	FigureElement changedFE;
	requires changedFE != null
	assumes {
	 requires true ensures changedFE == old(changedFE) ;
	ensures changedFE != null 

Suppose we want to make sure the body of method setX() on line 6, in the class Point is executed. That is the handlers of event FEChanged don't skip the execution of the event body after the event is announced on line 5. The truth of this property could easily be verified by looking at the class Point and the translucid contract for FEChanged on lines 14--19. The only way in which handlers of FEChanged could cause the body of method setX() not to execute, is by dropping the control and not return it back to the subject Point. Handlers could drop the control by not calling the invoke().

But line 16 in the translucid contract forces handlers to have the invoke() in their implementation otherwise they won't even type check and consequently won't satisfy the translcuid contract. So basically by looking only at the translucid contract we can make sure the handlers don't drop the control. And the control is returned back to the subject and consequently the body of method setX() is executed (not skipped).

Translucid contracts not only enable us to understand the control effects of the event announcement as described above, but also give us the capability to reason about the behavior of the event announcement too. This is possible because of the translucid contract's pre- and post-conditions, lines 14 and 19. Translucid contract's pre- and post-conditions limit the behavior of each individual handler and also the whole event announcement. So basically, the event announcement is guarded by the translucid contract's pre- and post-conditions.

Understanding Invoke Statements (Handler's Side)

Translucid contracts not only enable reasoning about the subjects of an event, but also allow understanding of the handlers of the event as well. Understanding the event handlers is tricky especially because of the invoke() expressions. Invoke() expressions could cause unknown number of handlers to run with an arbitrary order of execution. To illustrate we merge the figures exepmlifying handler DisplayUpdate and the event FEChanged from last sections, into the following figure.

public class DisplayUpdate {
 public DisplayUpdate() {

 when FEChanged do update;
 public void update(FEChanged rest) throws Throwable {
  refining requires true ensures changedFE==old(changedFE) {

public void event FEChanged {
	FigureElement changedFE;
	requires changedFE != null
	assumes {
	 requires true ensures changedFE == old(changedFE);
	ensures changedFE != null 

Looking at the implementation of the handler DisplayUpdate and the translucid contract for FEChanged the following conclusions could be made about the behavior of the rest.invoke() expression on line 8 of DisplayUpdate. The invoke() expression could cause unknown number of handlers and the event body to run. But the handlers are not free to do whatever they desire. All of the possibly executed handlers must respect the specification expression on line 20 of the contract and consequently assure that the context variable changedFE is not modified. Another restriction enforced by the translucid contract is that handlers and the event body must not nullify variable changedFE. This is according to the pre- and post-conditions on lines 17 and 22 of the translucid contract.

Thus the behavior of invoke() expression on line 8 of the DisplayUpdate handler, could be understood in term of guarantees which translucid contract provides. That is i.e. the context variable changedFE is not null and its value is preserved. These guarantees are independent of the configuration of the system in terms of handlers, event body and their order of execution.


We showed why black box contracts are not expressive enough to specify control effects of handlers in a configuration where subjects announce events and handlers handle the events. We also showed how translucid contracts enable us of doing so. Translucid contracts limit the structure and behavior of the handlers which satisfy them. And consequently enable understanding of event announcement and event handling on the subject and handler sides both in a modular fashion.

Page last modified on $Date: 2012/01/07 16:25:19 $