Publications Related to Ptolemy
Robert Dyer, Hridesh Rajan and Yuanfang Cai. An Exploratory Study of the Design Impact of Language Features for Aspect-oriented Interfaces. 11th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2012), March 25-30, 2012, Potsdam, Germany.
Rex D. Fernando, Robert Dyer and Hridesh Rajan. Event Type Polymorphism. 2012 Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages workshop (FOAL 2012), March 26, 2012, Potsdam, Germany.
Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Hridesh Rajan, Gary T. Leavens and Sean Mooney . Translucid Contracts: Expressive Specification and Modular Verification for Aspect-Oriented Interfaces. 10th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2011), March 21-25, 2011, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil.
First formal paper that introduces translucid contracts in Ptolemy and explores its advantages with respect to the black box behavioral contracts for reasoning about aspect-oriented programs. This paper supersedes our FOAL 2010 paper on this topic.
Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Gary T. Leavens, and Robert Dyer. Applying Translucid Contracts for Modular Reasoning About Aspect and Object Oriented Events. 2011 Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages workshop (FOAL 2011), March 21, 2011, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Hridesh Rajan, Gary T. Leavens and Sean Mooney . Translucid Contracts for Modular Reasoning about Aspect-oriented Programs. a research poster at SPLASH 2010 October 17-21, 2010, Reno\Tahoe, Nevada, USA.
Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Hridesh Rajan, and Gary T. Leavens. Translucid Contracts for Aspect-oriented Interfaces. 2010 Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages workshop (FOAL 2010), March 15, 2010, Rennes and Saint Malo, France.
Robert Dyer, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Hridesh Rajan, and Yuanfang Cai. A Preliminary Study of Quantified, Typed Events. the workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques colocated with the 9th Annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development Conference, (ESCOT 2010), March 16, 2010, Rennes and Saint Malo, France.
Hridesh Rajan, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Sean Mooney. Introduction to Ptolemy and its Development Environment. Demonstration paper at the 9th Annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development Conference, (AOSD 2010), March 17 and 18, 2010, Rennes and Saint Malo, France.
Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Robert Dyer, Yuheng Long, and Hridesh Rajan. Instance-level Quantified, Typed Events for Integrated System Design. Technical Report 08-15, Computer Science, Iowa State University, July 2009.
Kevin J. Sullivan, William G. Griswold, Hridesh Rajan, Yuanyuan Song, Yuanfang Cai, Macneil Shonle, and Nishit Tewari. Modular Aspect-Oriented Design with XPIs. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), (Accepted April 2009), ACM Press.
Comprehensive introduction to crosscutting programming interfaces (XPIs). This article supersedes previous ESEC/FSE 2005 and IEEE Software 2006 papers on this topic.
Hridesh Rajan and Gary T. Leavens. Ptolemy: A Language with Quantified, Typed Events. 22nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2008), July 7th - 11th 2008, Paphos, Cyprus. [abstract] [PDF]
First formal paper that introduces Ptolemy's design and its advantages with respect to aspect-oriented languages and implicit invocation languages, supersedes the technical report #07-13a.
Hridesh Rajan. Mining Software Repositories for Evaluating Software Engineering Properties of Language Designs. 2nd Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques (ACoM 2008), co-located with OOPSLA 2008, October 19, 2008, Nashville, TN. [abstract] [PDF]
Describes our position on emprical evaluation of language designs in the context of the Ptolemy language.
Hridesh Rajan and Gary T. Leavens. Quantified, Typed Events for Improved Separation of Concerns. Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University, TR #07-14c, July 2007, revised October 2007. [abstract] [PDF] [PS]
Gives complete formal semantics of Ptolemy.
Hridesh Rajan and Gary T. Leavens. Ptolemy: A Language of Quantified, Typed Events. Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University, TR #07-13a, July 2007, revised October 2007. [abstract] [PDF] [PS]
Technical report that introduces Ptolemy that has support for quantified, typed events for better separation of crosscutting concerns while preserving the encapsulation of the object-oriented parts of the program.
William Griswold, Kevin Sullivan, Yuanyuan Song, Macneil Shonle, Nishit Tewari, Yuanfang Cai, Hridesh Rajan,"Modular Software Design with Crosscutting Interfaces",IEEE Software, Special Issue on Aspect-Oriented Programming, Jan/Feb 2006.
Presents an AspectJ emulation of the crosscutting programming interfaces (XPI) without the need for language extensions.
Kevin Sullivan, William Griswold, Yuanyuan Song, Yuanfang Cai, Macneil Shonle, Nishit Tewari, Hridesh Rajan,"Information Hiding Interfaces for Aspect-Oriented Design", Joint 10th European Software Engineering Conference and 13th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2005), 5-9 Sept 2005, Lisbon, Portugal.
Introduces the notion of crosscutting programming interfaces (XPIs) that in part led to the development of the Ptolemy language.
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